Distance between Iraq and United States
How far between Iraq to United States?
The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Iraq and United States is 6,942 miles = 11 172 kilometers.
If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Iraq to United States, It takes 14 hours, 23 minutes to arrive.
Time Difference between Iraq and America
Iraq is 9 hours ahead of the center of the United States.
If you live in United States and you want to call a friend in Iraq, you can try calling them between 10:00 PM and 2:00 PM your time. This will be between 7AM – 11PM their time, since Iraq is 9 hours ahead of United States.
If you’re available any time, but you want to reach someone in Iraq at work, you may want to try between 12:00 AM and 8:00 AM your time. This is the best time to reach them from 9AM – 5PM during normal working hours.
UTC-6 hours | UTC+3 hours |
United States | Iraq |
8:00 AM | 5:00 PM |
8:30 AM | 5:30 PM |
9:00 AM | 6:00 PM |
Flying time from Iraq to United States
The total flight duration from Iraq to United States is 14 hours, 23 minutes.
This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots. It also adds an extra 30 minutes for take-off and landing. Your exact time may vary depending on wind speeds.
If you’re planning a trip, remember to add more time for the plane to taxi between the gate and the airport runway. This measurement is only for the actual flying time. You should also factor in airport wait times and possible equipment or weather delays.
Your trip begins in Iraq.
It ends in the United States.